We’ve released our seventh Digital SAT practice test.

It’s available for your use. Simply assign it to your students as you would any other Digital SAT practice test. You will incur the same 10 credits charge as for our other tests. The same cap of 10 credits per student per month applies.

In your Online Score Tracker account you will now see entries for the new Digital SAT – Practice Test #7.

As always, version A and B are for classroom use. Version A forces all students to take the easier second module. With Version B, all student will take the harder second module for Reading Writing and Math. This allows you to review the practice test with a group ensuring everyone has taken the same test.

Remember that you can preview the new tests. Go to KEYS, Digital SAT, then click on the pencil icon in front of the key you want to review and then select PREVIEW.

You can also print a PDF version of the new tests, by checking the SELECT box on the far left of the test and then selecting PDF from the ACTION button.