Online ACT Practice Tests
Our Online ACT platform is live! We are using the new, enhanced ACT format (Math only has 4 answer choices, and fewer questions in English, Math, and Reading, Science is optional).
Create practice quizzes/homework assignments and practice ACT tests and administer them to your students.
Free to use until April 30, 2025. Starting in May, we will charge the same credits we currently charge for DSAT practice tests and quizzes: 1 credit for a practice quiz and 5 credits for a practice test, with a monthly cap of 10 credits per student.
How to create your own quizzes/homework assignments or tests
If you have created content for DSAT practice tests/quizzes then the simple answer is THE SAME. If you need a little more information, here is:
1. In your ADMIN panel, go to KEYS and select Online ACT. Then go to ONLINE ACT – ITEMS. You will see four sample items you can investigate. To add your own, click +ADD.
Select the desired section (English, Math, Reading, Science) and enter your content into the respective panel. English, Reading, and Science all have two (left and right) student-facing panels, Math only one. Use the respective buttons in the text editor to underline, highlight, import an image, or create Math expressions (LaTeX).
Mark one of the answers as correct (checkbox on the right side) and optionally enter an answer explanation, select a reporting catagory and difficulty level, and assign a tag which will help you more easily find the item later.
When you click Preview/Save and can’t save your item, you have most likely used an unsupported character.
2. Assemble the quiz or test
Now that you have created your items, you can create a quiz or test and assign your items accordingly. Go to Online ACT – TESTS or Online ACT – Quizzes and click +ADD.
Give your test/quiz a name and assign items. If you have a lot of items, you will appreciate being able to filter by the TAG you assigned earlier. Once assigned, you can easily reorder items by dragging the navigation icon at the top. Remember to SAVE your work!
3. After you have created your test or quiz, you can assign it to a student (or a class). If you are an existing user of our platform, you will be familiar with this process. Go to USERS – STUDENTS and select a student by clicking on their Student ID.
In the ONLINE TESTS tab, click ADD
and then select the desired test or quiz. Use the filter links at the top to narrow down the lists.
If you want to change the timer options, click on the test/quiz name in the list. After that, the student can now log into their student panel and under TAKE A TEST – ACT select this test.
The student will have an Online-ACT-like test taking experience.
Once the student ENDS the test, a report is available in their SCORES menu – and in your ADMIN panel.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out. We fully expect to be making updates as ACT releases actual practice tests.