September is the month to start administering our practice digital SAT tests to your students.

We are are still working on a few things and while we are, our practice digital tests are completely free to use.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Make sure both tests are “ACTIVE”.
    1. Go to KEYS – DIGITAL SAT
    2. Select the inactive tests by checking the respective box.
    3. Select ACTIVATE from the ACTION dropdown box.
  2. Assign the digital test(s) to a student or class. Assigning a test to a class automatically assigns the test to all students in that class. The process is the same.
    1. If assigning a test to a student:
      Go to USERS – STUDENTS, then click on the User ID of the desired student.

      If assigning a test to a class:
      Go to UNITS – CLASSES, then click on
    2. Click on the ONLINE TESTS tab (far right)
    3. Click ADD, then select the digital SAT test (s) you want to add to this student.
    4. After you have added the digital tests, click on the test name to modify test settings. The operational settings right now  are the timer settings.
  3. Your student can now log into their student portal, go to TAKE A TEST – SAT/PSAT and take this test.
    1. If the student takes the test one module at a time, we will update the score report as soon as a module is completed.