The REPORTS menu contains many customized class reports we have created for ACT and SAT over the years.

We will not be updating all of them to include Digital SAT test and quiz data. If you have a particular report that you love, please let me us know.

As of today, we have updated the Student Scores by Unit (csv) report.

It will create a simple csv (text) file with student IDs, names, and scores. Here is a sample screenshot showing digital tests and quizzed in the same report.


Tomorrow (1-10-2024) we will update the Student Responses by Units (csv) report to support digital SAT tests and quizzes.

We recommend you review all the reports in your REPORTS menu. There are several versions of score reports. The only one that actually supports the digital SAT is the one mentioned above, Student Scores by Unit (csv). To add it to your reports list, click the ADD button. I suggest you remove other, similar reports to avoid future frustrations.

Again, if there is a particular report you are using that needs updating, please let me know.