Our mini-quiz is a brief demonstration of 6 typical digital SAT practice questions using our digital testing platform.
We administer this free 6-question quiz very much like you could set it up in your own OnlineScoreTracker account. Our OnlineScoreTracker account is called “DemoTutor”. You can see the name in the title of the screenshot of the student panel along with our Academy Technologies logo and a blue colored theme. Your student (and admin) panel would display your name, your logo and whatever colors you’d want.
In our DemoTutor account, we set up a class called “DemoQuizClass” and assigned the 6-question quiz to that class.

When you complete the self-registration (see button below), you are creating a student account in the DemoTutor account. You are automatically assigned to the DemoQuizClass and that means the 6-question quiz is automatically assigned to your student account.
You can let your students self-register or you can create accounts for them through your admin panel, one-at-a-time or in a batch via .csv (text) file. We also have an API,… if you like what you see, please schedule a free appointment and we’ll gladly give you a tour of the admin panel
After you create your student account, you can then log into your student portal, go to TAKE A TEST, SAT/PSAT and click on START to take the quiz that is listed on that screen. The basic student report for the quiz is much simpler than the student report for a full test. It is available through the SCORES menu. Your students would see something very similar in their student portal.
To take the 6-question demo quiz, click the button below.